Commitment to Quality
Professional Standards and Quality Assurance
In complying with the rigorous standards of our profession, our firm strictly adheres to all technical and ethical requirements of our governing entities. As part of these standards, our firm undertakes a quality review of our auditing and accounting services by an independent CPA firm, which verifies that we meet or exceed the technical requirements of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).
Kuenzi & Company has a written quality control manual with established standards for our accounting and auditing practice. It addresses the competence and quality of individuals considered for employment as well as procedures followed in our work. All work performed by Kuenzi & Company personnel is supervised and subjected to a thorough internal review under professional quality control standards. While we have confidence in the expertise and competence of our people, the review process provides assurance that all pertinent issues have been considered and that nothing has been overlooked. It also facilitates training and exchange of ideas within our service team.
Our people have access to technical information on professional standards, and tax and accounting regulations from the Thomson Reuters Checkpoint Research Libraries. We also use work programs and checklists from software licensed by Practitioners Publishing Company (PPC).

Affiliates and Advisors
Kuenzi & Company is an independently owned and operated member firm of CPAConnect, an alliance of CPAmerica, Inc. It’s an association of independent accounting firms that maintain the highest practice standards. CPAmerica, Inc. is a member of Crowe Global, providing our Firm access to the eighth largest accounting network in the world, with over 200 independent accounting and advisory firms in more than 130 countries. As a client of our Firm, you truly receive the best of both worlds: the personal attention and sincere concern of a local firm, and the knowledge and resources of an international association.
Kuenzi & Company also owns a subsidiary entity, Kuenzi Accounting Solutions, LLC, which provides accounting and advisory services designed for small to medium-sized businesses. It uses cloud-based software and modern technology to create and store real time financial data. Its advisors help clients interpret and use this data to manage their businesses.