Derrick Angelus, CPA (Principal)

Derrick has been with Kuenzi and Company since 2012. He serves clients in the construction and agriculture industries which comes naturally from his roles working in these industries prior to public accounting (farming through high school and electrical construction following high school). His passion is helping clients meet their goals in the most efficient manner possible while mitigating the bumps along the way through planning and strategy.
Derrick’s areas of expertise include serving clients with closely held businesses in the construction industry, where he provides tax and assurance services. He finds satisfaction helping young and/or growing businesses develop systems and processes to meet the demanding needs of the industry. This leads to obtaining bonding, lending and/or developing efficient entity structures to perform and grow in this challenging industry. Being part of a team that supports and promotes these businesses is what is crucial in today’s complex business climate.
Derrick’s professional affiliations include membership in the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Oregon Society of CPAs. He is the Chair of the MAPS Credit Union Supervisory Committee, treasurer for the Polk County Sheriff’s Office Volunteer Council, volunteers as a Reserve Deputy Sheriff and
serves as an Elder within his church congregation, Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
Derrick is married with three children. His family pursues an active lifestyle enjoying the Pacific Northwest and beyond. Outside of his profession he enjoys new challenges whether it be constructing projects around his home, mountain biking steeper terrain, running a little further than before, and getting off grid hiking, or backpacking a new location.