Edward Brooks, CPA (Senior Manager)
Email: ebrooks@kuenzicpas.com

Ed Brooks joined Kuenzi & Company in June of 2007 bringing with him an eclectic self-employment background. Prior to beginning his second career as an accountant, Ed worked as a small business owner for more than 22 years. He served Oregon for 19 years as an AFA Journeyman Farrier, a Blacksmith, and as a volunteer on related boards and trade associations. While undergoing college training for a career in accounting, Ed and his family managed a roller rink in Dallas, Oregon. He graduated in spring of 2004 from Western Oregon University Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration (Accounting Focus), and has been employed in public accounting since that time.
Ed's professional duties include auditing and attest services; tax preparation and planning for individuals, non-profit organizations and businesses; software and information systems support, and small business consulting. Ed is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and of the Oregon Society of Certified Public Accountants.
When not at work Ed enjoys dates with his three daughters, time with his wife of 30+ years, and various hobbies such as music, golf, and blacksmithing. With a
servant's heart, Ed will donate his time to serve the local church and surrounding community both individually and professionally. With charity and service in mind Ed is dedicated to helping clients attain their business and financial goals.