Kyle Walter, CPA (Principal)

Kyle heads up our tax department. Key services include tax compliance, tax strategy and planning, business structure review and planning, forecast and budgeting, and family and estate planning with agricultural enterprises. He works extensively with closely held businesses and family groups. He advises owners and management teams on streamlining financial reporting models, improving efficiency and profitability, and building mentoring and coaching programs.
Kyle is a current member of the AICPA, OSCPA, local Homebuilder Association, Salem Contractors Exchange and CFMA for Contractors. He also sits on a small business advisory board for CCH, a national accounting software vendor, is a member of the Oregon farm and ranch project committee, and is Treasurer for the Marion County Junior Livestock Auction.
Kyle's passion and enthusiasm for supporting the agriculture and construction industries started years ago where he worked many summers during high school on a farm and spent time during college building houses for a residential contractor. In 2001 Kyle married his wife Trisha and they now have a daughter and two sons. Kyle and his family enjoy outdoor activities which include
camping, fishing and hiking. At home they enjoy spending time on their small farm acreage teaching their children life lessons about raising animals and tending to chores. His church affiliation is with the Apostolic Christian Church of America.